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Dear Parents and Carers
Last week was NAIDOC Week - a week to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. It has its roots in the 1938 Day of Mourning, becoming a week-long event in 1975. For us, this nation’s story began at the dawn of time. NAIDOC 2020 invites all Australians to embrace the true history of this country – a history which dates back thousands of generations. It’s about seeing, hearing and learning the First Nations’ 65,000+ year history of this country - which is Australian history. It is a week where all Australians are called to celebrate that we have the oldest continuing cultures on the planet and to recognise that our sovereignty was never ceded.
All students did some learning around this last week and the slogan this year Always Was, Always Will Be, is powerful, deeply moving and apt.
(Collaboratively completed by Year 6 during an Art lesson)
Mission Fete Success: Many, many thanks to Miss Marianne, Miss Lib and you all teachers, parents and students for what is perhaps the most emotionally successful Mission Fete to date. Bulbula needs our support now more than ever. This was evident in Sr Abeba's last message.
$10,000 was raised, therefore we have been able to donate $9500 to Bulbula. That is 272445 Ethiopian birr. We also donated $500 to Catholic Mission. Such a wonderful achievement from a very generous community which truly continues to amaze us. Terima kasih.
St Brendan Bushfire Thankyou: What a wonderful gesture from St Brendan's sending this lovely thank you video message from the Bushfire Appeal we had for their school in Term 1. It seems so long ago now. Another example of us as a Catholic Learning Community striving to make a difference.
Whole school photo and clip from St Brendans:
School Education Open Board Meeting Invitation:
This Wednesday 18 November is our Annual open School Education Board Meeting. As a board we have been meeting via Google Meet. If you would like to join the meeting this Wednesday please email me directly for a link to be shared.
A gentle reminder that Covid restrictions still apply in relation to parents not coming on site unless it is essential or pre-arranged. If you are picking your child up early please email the teacher and wait at the front of the school. Students will be signed out when you arrive. We are still required to obide by our current guidelines.
Hub News: Please be sure to click on the link to your child's hub news. This is a great way to keep up to date with information specific to child's learning and activities. This term in particular there are many events planned in a short time frame in light of the year we have had.
Warm wishes for a healthy and peaceful fortnight ahead.
The weather in recent weeks has been warming up as we get closer to Summer.
Students have been required to wear their hats since mid- August when the the UV levels have been 3 or higher. Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School encourages students, staff members, contractors, and volunteers to protect themselves from UV radiation in following ways.
1. Seek shade
Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School will ensure that there is sufficient shelter and trees to provide shade in outdoor spaces particularly in high use areas e.g. where students have lunch, outdoor lessons and popular play spaces.
The school will ensure:
- The availability of shade is considered when planning all other outdoor activities and excursions.
- Students are encouraged to use available areas of shade when outside.
- Students who choose to play on the oval will be offered sunscreen if they have forgotten to apply.
- Students who do not have appropriate hats or outdoor clothing are asked to play in the shade or a suitable area protected from the sun.
2. Slip on sun protective clothing
Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School acknowledges that clothing is the most protective barrier from UV radiation. Sun protective clothing is included in our school uniform / dress code and sports uniform. School clothing is cool, loose fitting and made of densely woven fabric. It includes shirts with collars and longer sleeves, longer style dresses and shorts.
3. Slap on a hat
All Our Lady Star of the Sea students are required to wear their school that protect their face, neck and ears, whenever they are outside. Baseball or peak caps and visors are not a suitable alternative.
4. Slop on sunscreen
Parents and carers must ensure that their child provides their own SPF 30 plus or higher broadspectrum, water resistant sunscreen. In the absence of a student providing their own SPF 30 plus or higher broadspectrum, water resistant sunscreen, staff members will offer a school purchase product to the student. Parents and carers are reminded that in this instance Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School cannot be held responsible for any subsequent reaction that the student may experience as a result of the application of the school sunscreen.
More Information
In recent days I have been made aware that the pedestrian lights at Shell Rd and the entrance to the pool/Bellarine SC aren’t working properly. Issue involves the Green walk symbol not displaying when it should. VicRoads have been contacted.
If your child is using these lights to cross Shell Road, please talk to them and remind them to take extra care. Hopefully this issue will be fixed quickly.
Paul Anderson
Student Wellbeing Leader
$5 for a hot dog and juice box.
Year 4/5 Hot Dog Day Monday 23 November.
Orders due by Friday 20 November. Please place orders in a paper lunch bag with your child's name and class.
Year 3 and Year 6 Hot Dog day Monday 30 November.
Orders due by Thursday 26 November. Please place orders in a paper lunch bag with your child's name and class.
Tennis Fanatics Coaching with David Franks and Steph Golightly will again be running lunchtime Hot Shots tennis lessons. To begin with we will be offering coaching in four week blocks. Incase of any further lock downs. Lessons will be run on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1.15 to 1.45 and all sanitization procedures will be followed. We are limited to 18 positions at this stage so to register message David 0448274709 with your childs name, age and parents contact details.
Staff Return: Wednesday 27 January
Term 1 Students return: Thursday 28 January - Thursday 1 April
Easter - Friday 2 April - Monday 5 April
Term 2 Monday 19 April - Friday 25 June
Term 3 Monday 12 July - Friday 17 September
Term 4 Monday 4 October - Thursday 16 December