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A Prayer of Gratitude:
I am just so grateful for all of your blessings in my life, Lord.
I am grateful for our wonderful community at Our Lady Star of the Sea and the warm, supportive, respectful way we work together to bring the best for our students and each other.
I am grateful for the positive family relationships we share which only seem to have grown stronger during this time.
I pray that you remind me of just how lucky I am, and that you never allow me to forget to show my gratitude in prayer and returned kind acts.
Thank you, Lord. In your name,
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we draw to the end of a very different looking Term Two, there are many things we can be grateful for. The resilience our students have shown and continue to show on their return to school is one. The way we have all worked together- parents, teachers and students in a warm respectful way and ensured the learning of our children continued in a positive, connected way. The way we all took ownership that we are all in this together and continue to adhere to regulations to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all in our community and beyond. For all of these reasons and more we celebrate a successful Term Two and look forward to a peaceful holiday period before returning to school in Term Three, refreshed and energised for our next phase of learning.
Our teachers have been reflecting on remote learning as a staff and with the students. The reflection has included “Mining for the Gold” and finding the great learning that we would like to continue rather than “snap back” completely to the way we did the learning prior to this experience. Student voice has also been considered when making these decisions. There have already been some great practices or “gold” that teachers as a team have committed to with their hubs moving forward.
COVID Protocols including drop off and Pick Up.
The advice from CEM is that their guidelines and protocols for drop off and pick up will remain the same for when we return in Term 3.
We are also working with our bike riders leaving the top gate. Students need to walk along the gravel track to and from the posts beside the road. Students are also required to use the crossings, in order to cross the road.
We thank you for your continued respect at drop off and pick up times.
Reports: I hope you have all been able to access your child’s report. If you are having trouble please contact the office. Also if you wish to clarify any aspect of the report please make contact with your teacher.
Sacramental Programs: At this stage it looks like there will be no Eucharist or Reconciliation Sacraments celebrated this year. This is yet to be confirmed however in the likelihood this will be the case, the students will have the opportunity the following year to celebrate these sacraments. There is a possibility Confirmation may be celebrated in Term 4. For those of you who know Bishop Mark Edwards from previous celebrations he has been transferred to Wagga Wagga and we are awaiting the announcement of another Bishop for the Melbourne Archdiocese. We will keep you updated once any more news comes in regards to the Sacraments.
Swimming: We have some new tentative dates booked for swimming which will be confirmed closer to the time. The dates for the Program will be 5 days instead of the original 8 planned this year in Year 4/5 20th-24th July; Year 2 27th-31st July; Year 3 3rd-7th August. Please be aware that the cost of the swimming program for the school exceeds the 5 days we allow in the Curriculum Levy.
Camp: Camp is still being considered likely as we move into the second half of the year. The government advice looks like we will be able to go ahead with some form of camp this year, even if it is postponed to a later date. Whilst we continue to wait and see we have made the decision Year 5 and 6 will not go to Melbourne this year but somewhere more local. When we know, we will confirm these details.
Principal for the Day: Over the last two weeks we have had two wonderful Principals for the Day who have enjoyed conducting Principal walks, taking suggestions and compliments from students across year levels, saying messages over the PA, having a hot lunch with their class and enjoying morning tea with the staff.
Congratulations and terima kasih to Byrdy Bakacs and Harry Banks.
2019 Annual Report to the community: Please click here for the 2019 Annual Report. This is a reflection on last year and has also been added to the school website.
Class celebrations: To celebrate all your wonderful children and their resilience, love of learning and persistence shown during this term, each hub has a celebration planned towards the end of this term. Please make sure you read the Hub News for details and thank you to the teachers for organising this.
Wishing you all a healthy, relaxing holiday period with your loved ones and my sincere thanks again for all your kindness and support to all of our staff during this extraordinary and challenging time.
Stay well.
How to Keep Your Children Learning During the Holidays
The holidays are a time for rest, relaxation, family time and celebrations.
However, one thing we have learned from the COVID-19 experience is that learning doesn’t have to stop when school finishes at 2:30pm this Friday. You can help foster a love of learning in your children over the holidays.
Below are some great school holiday activities that get kids engaged, curious and excited about learning…
1. Get messy in the kitchen and bake
Pull out the baking cups and measuring spoons, because cooking is a great way to bring those fraction lessons to life! Most kids love getting messy, so why not bake a cake with them? Let them do the scooping, measuring and mixing and they’ll be applying their mathematical knowledge, as well as learning about the chemistry of baking. Following a recipe is also good practice for them in following instructions. Check out Kidspot Kitchen for oodles of kid-friendly recipes that range from easy peasy to simple as.
2. Play board games and puzzles
Board games like Scrabble, Monopoly, Pictionary or even Snakes and Ladders, are fantastic for exercising little minds. Pull out a boxed game and your kids will be practising their numbers, letters and shape recognition skills, improving their hand-eye coordination, or honing in on their visual perception and colour identification skills.
3. Pull out a deck of cards
4. Make reading part of the Routine.
Regular routines go out the window when school stops. But you can still keep a sense of routine, and important daily rituals, all through the holidays. Reading is one of the best forms of learning for all kids (and that includes reading to them): Younger children develop language skills, improve literacy, and put their imagination to good use. For older kids, fiction books can further support their writing skills, and through non-fiction they can learn about topics that interest them that they may or may not study in the school environment. Reading can also aid relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety, increase empathy, and promote good sleeping habits.
A recent study found that children who had access to books at home had significantly better reading skills than those who didn’t.
5. Let them be bored.
The holidays can often be a constant battle of finding new and interesting things to keep kids entertained.
But there’s a lot to be said for leaving them to their own devices, and letting them just be.
‘Children need time to themselves – to switch off from the bombardment of the outside world, to daydream, pursue their own thoughts and occupations, and discover personal interests and gifts’, explains Teresa Belton.
Children of the digital age are used to having constant entertainment and instant gratification. So removing these distractions allows some much-needed time for quiet reflection, a wandering mind, and developing creative strategies to keep them entertained.
The best type of boredom can be found in the great outdoors, where they can investigate the natural environment.
It also encouraged imaginative play, which helps kids to express their creativity.
Encourage your older kids and teenagers to go for walks, be in nature, and experience the world through their own eyes — even for a few minutes a day — instead of through their ipad screen.
So let your kids enjoy the holidays — but show them that learning can be a great holiday activity too.
Paul Anderson
Student Wellbeing Leader
Over the school holidays please label your child's belongings and check that if you have written a name on an item of clothing that it has not faded away over time or that a secondhand item has the correct name on it.
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Please find attached this week’s bulletin and prayers.
Bulletin The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.pdf
You will also find attached information regarding the Saint Vincent de Paul ‘VINNIES’ winter appeal which takes place on Sunday the 14th June.
This week is also Refugee Week in Australia – we will be emailing out information regarding this on Monday.
As always you are warmly welcome to join us online for our live streaming mass at 11:00 AM on Sunday:
… or you can watch later as you wish.
It is at this time of year that we usually put out Thanksgiving Envelopes for those of you who participate in our parish planned giving. Our volunteers will instead be dropping these into your mailbox in coming days. We know that many are doing it tough at this time, but if you can continue to support our parish, that would be a huge help to us.
With every blessing and good wish for this Sunday’s Feast of Corpus Christi and for the week ahead.
Warm Regards,
Daniella, Deb, and Fr Darien
Upcoming Important Dates on the Parent Calendar
Term 4 2020
Friday 16 October: Respectful Relationships "Gratitude Day"
Monday 19 October: Book Week Dress Up Day
Thursday 22 October: Footy colours casual clothes day and Gold Coin donation for Cherished Pets Ocean Grove.
Friday 23 October: AFL Grand Final Public Holiday, school closed
Sunday 25 October: School working bee 10am - 12pm - Purple Hub TBC
Tuesday 3 November: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday, school Closed
Friday 6 November: Mission Fete Day
Monday 9 November: School Photo Day Individual and Class Photos
Tuesday 10 November: School Photo Day Family Portraits
Monday 23 November - Tuesday 24 November: Year 6 Camp Wyuna
Tuesday 24 November: Prep 2021 Parent Information Session 6 - 7pm TBC
Thursday 26 November: Prep 2021 Parent Information Session 6 - 7pm TBC
Friday 27 November: Staff 2021 Planning Day, student free day
Monday 30 November: Year 3 Camp Wyuna
Tuesday 1 December: Year 4 Camp Wyuna
Wednesday 2 December: Year 5 Camp Wyuna
Wednesday 2 December: Prep 2021 Orientation Day 9.30am - 11am TBC
Tuesday 8 December: Prep 2021 Orientation Day 9.30am - 11am TBC
Thursday 17 December: End of Term 4
Please note: Please refer to the Parent Calendar for all dates
Let’s support school family businesses as we navigate the current COVID-19 situation.
Learey family
Aus Gates & Fencing
Stephen Learey
0408 314 901
Day family
Todd Day Painting & Decorating
Dreams Spa & Beauty Studio
Preston family
Geelong Pest Control
1300 147 378
Tanner/Brydges family
Beauty Therapy
Singh family
Pinch Salt & Float
Salt Room and Infrared Sauna
5255 1939
Kylie Taylor
MindfulMess Decluttering
Tyers/Frisch family
Ems Thermie Adventure
0439 012 929
Giblin family
Eco Laundry Room
Market Place Shopping Centre
Ocean Grove
Facebook: Eco laundry room (ocean grove)
Fraser family
Cheeky Cow Cafe
Ocean Throughway, Ocean Grove
Sally Williams
Iamsali design
Branding and logo design
Instagram @iamsalidesign
Simons family
The Driftwood Cafe
64D The Terrace, Ocean Grove
5255 1832
Casamento family
Health and fitness by Zoom, Skype, Facebook
0438 834003
Mitchell/Leonard family
Enjoy Bob Evans' music
Laidler family
Ocean Grove & Leopold Osteopathy & Sports Health
OG Clinic: 5255 5040
Leopold Clinic: 4202 0446
Flowers by M.E.L
Contact: 0410 341 491
Instagram @flowersbymel
Facebook: Flowers by M.E.L