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Thank you for each child, teacher, and staff member in this school. Help us to see one another with love and respect, knowing we are all made in Your image (Genesis 1:27). Fill our school with kindness, fairness, and peace, so that every child feels valued and safe.
Guide our teachers with wisdom and patience, and help us all to treat each other with compassion (Micah 6:8). May this school be a place of joy, learning, and unity, where Your peace reigns (Colossians 3:15).
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope the first couple of weeks have been as enjoyable for you as they have been for our students and staff. We commend you on preparing your children for their return to school and thank you for your continued respect and taking the time to meet your children’s teacher, enabling a smooth transition and building a positive relationship. The Parent / Guardian/ Carer Code of Conduct also supports our respectful and positive way of working together in partnership for our students. As we reflect on the prayer for this fortnight's newsletter, we can be mindful opf Pope Francis message during this Jubilee Year: 'Be Pilgrims of Hope and Builders of Peace.' Andrew Chinn certainly brought joy, hope and peace last week during his workshops and so much fun. Many thanks to Rebecca Nancarrow, our highly skilled Religious Education Leader, for organising this for our staff and students.

As a staff, we are grateful for the first day of the year, enabling all our staff to update their CPR and Level 2 First Aid. A great time to achieve this before the year commences and ensure we prioritise the care, safety and wellbeing of our students.
Annual Action Plan 2025:
Please click the link above to view our 2025 Action Plan. This stems from our 4 year School Improvement Plan. We continue to reflect and consider discerningly each year, through various data sources, what it is we are wishing to improve on or “get better at,” for the benefit of your child’s education and outcomes.
You will notice this year there is a Literacy and Mathematics goal with actions which include coaching and further building teacher capacity in English and Mathematics, while further exploring Science of Learning evidence based research to suit our context. Coaching is recognised as having a huge impact on teacher capacity and ultimately student outcomes as it picks up on the reality of our context and is action focused. Our school has a supportive organisational structure with our hubs, including extra human resources to enable opportunity for coaching and mentoring, with collaboration being key. We look forward to seeing the continued benefits. Staff Wellbeing is also a focus which ultimately impacts student wellbeing and includes professional learning to support our students: "To strengthen against anxiety in schools". A parent workshop is also planned on Monday 11 August with the same presenter and supporting you as parents titled “Strengthening Children and Teens Against Anxiety.” This date and others are on the parent calendar and in our newsletter dates for easy access.
Alongside this, all teachers develop personal goals for action and to access coaching or professional learning. They also have a professional learning hub goal. As we strive for improvement, Nationally and internationally, there is unequivocal evidence that the quality of teaching is most significant in school factor affecting student outcomes. Effective teachers can be a source of inspiration and, equally importantly, provide a dependable and consistent influence on young people as they make choices about further education, work and life. We thank all our teachers and leadership staff for striving to achieve their goals and working collaboratively for the benefit of all students.
WORKING BEE: Many thanks to the following families who attended our Working Bee and enabled our school grounds to look wonderful for the return of our students: Ricky Mullen, Oliver Mullen, Brendan Briggs, Adam Radly, Jesse Jamieson, Levi Jamieson, Aaron Jamieson, Elka Pasque, Pheonix Brown, Charity Brown, Joshua Brown, Beau Brown, Pearse Fay, Amelia Fay, Jason Bonacci, Vinnie Bonacci, Ava Bonacci, Andrew Page, Isabelle Page, Harry Page, Kevin Mitchell, Neil Brown, Indiana Brown, Jeremy Friend, Katie Mulcahy, Finn Mulcahy, Gracie Mulcahy.
Dogs and Other Animals on School Grounds Procedure With the beautiful weather enabling us to walk our animals to school, we encourage you to be aware of our Policy which states we are to keep our dogs on leads at all times and not enter school buildings with them.
Preps and New Families Welcome Picnic Tuesday 18 February 4.30-6 pm: As communicated previously, Preps and new families are welcome to BYO picnic on the school grounds as an informal way to welcome you and meet and chat with others.
Sibling enrolments: If you have a child due to begin school in 2026, we encourage you to put your enrolment forms in as soon as is practical. You will be invited in for an interview with your child later this term.
Icy Poles: We will continue to offer the opportunity for icy poles throughout the year particularly in warmer months. This week we will have another icypole day on Thursday 13 February with the cost $1 each being brought in on the day (only 1 icypole per child please). Many thanks to the PFA for your support with this initiative.
Beginning of Year Mass: This Friday 14 February12 noon in the church. All welcome.
Wishing you all a fortnight of sharing hope and building peace in your daily interactions.
Every Victorian child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. It is part of making Victoria the Education State and the Government’s commitment to breaking the link between a student’s background and their outcomes.
School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership. All are a part of a healthy curriculum.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student is:
- $150 for primary school students
New applicants should Click here for CSEF Application Form or contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form.
If you applied for CSEF last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
- new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools this year.
- changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.
For more information about CSEF visit:
Concessional School Fees Program
Health Care, Concessional and Veterans Affairs Gold card holders as well as students identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander may be eligible for Concessional School Fees.
The following families are strongly encouraged to apply for concessional school fees:
- Any family of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage.
- Any family holding an HCC and eligible for CSEF.
- Any family experiencing severe financial hardship.
- Any family holding a DVA Gold Card.
- Any family identified as refugees and holding an ImmiCard.
- Any family required to relocate their (Australian resident) child to St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School, North Melbourne, due to the child requiring long term medical treatment at The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. Pro-rata concession is provided for part-year attendance. An annual statutory declaration is required to confirm eligibility.
- HSS who attend a MACS primary school on a part time basis, who meet any of the criteria detailed above.
For further information view the Concessional Fee Policy for MACS primary schools and Application Form.
2026 Sibling Enrolments, Open Day time and school tours
If you have a child due to start school in 2026 we ask that Applications for Enrolment are lodged before the end of Term 1. As applications are received by the school, you will be contacted to make a time for you and your Prep 2026 child to meet with Kerryn. To access forms and further information click here.
Open Time and School Tours
The school will be open for student led tours on Tuesday 25 March between 9.15am and 10.45am. Parents and children welcome. No bookings are required.
Information Session for Parents
Parents are invited to an information session on Tuesday 25 March at 6.00pm – 7.00pm.
Senior classes have been working with our awesome art teacher Ms. Rachael this week in preparation for our visit by Patrycja Hannagan (PJ),, who will grace us with her talents later this term, visiting to create an incredible mural showcasing the flora and fauna of our local area.
The students were full of excitement as they viewed online images of some of PJ’s stunning artwork and massive nature murals. They then gathered outside at the site of our soon-to-be Biodiversity mural! Imagination was running wild!
Inspired by PJ’s incredible artwork, they headed back into the art room to bring their ideas to life on paper. The students are teaching PJ about the biodiversity of our local area. Creativity flourished.
PJ will be assisted by students from various year levels in the design and creation of our new mural, featuring many unique flora and fauna species of the Bellarine Peninsula.
This Project has been made possible by the Junior Landcare Biodiversity grants, as part of our Hands Up for Biodiversity Project, gratefully supported by Junior Landcare and the Victorian State Government.
2025 Cross Country – Friday 7th March
This year's Whole School Cross Country event is fast approaching! All students will begin at 9:15 am, with Junior students racing around Shell Rd Oval and Middle/Senior students competing around the Shell Road Sports Precinct.
For full event details, including race times and what students need to bring, please refer to the attached PDF - Parent info pack Cross Country 2025.
We also need parent helpers to assist with marshalling and supporting students. If you’re available to help, please email Sam Scott at sscott@staroceangrove.
Thank you for your support—we look forward to a fantastic day!
Families are asked to donate as follows
Year 3-6: Easter Eggs
Prep - Year 2: Bags/Baskets
Please send tickets and eggs in no later than Friday 28 March 2025.
If tickets could be separated and folded upon return,
we would be grateful.
We call on parent volunteers to package the prizes and count money at regular intervals prior to the end of term.
Parent workshop to draw the raffle 2nd April 2025 9-11am
Let’s all do our best and try not using snap lock bags/plastic.
Raffle winners to be annonced on the last day of term Friday 4 April.
Welcome to our 2025 School Year!!
As representatives of our Parents and Friends Association for Our Lady Star of the Sea, we warmly invite new and existing parents, carers and friends to participate in our PFA.
Our PFA is a parents and friends network built to create connection and a sense of involvement in the school, supporting with
- Assisting in coordination of school events for our students
- Providing a parent network for connection
- Planning and organising social events such as trivia nights
- Our school uniform resale program
- Our special family events
Involvement is to foster a positive and social connection with our school and your community.
Whilst we do occasionally fundraise, it is not the primary purpose and it is about creating a sense of community at our school.
The PFA It is not involved in day to day operations and does not perform the role of our School Advisory Council.
All parents and friends of the school are welcome to participate on the PFA, where our meeting times are communicated on the School Calendar and newsletter.
Our Year Level PFA parent liaison play an important role in this connection to all parents.
Our school leaders work to foster an inclusive environment and provide various options and channels to receive and respond to feedback, and is supported through our school groups. There are many opportunities to be involved through your primary school journey, PFA, SAC, volunteering in the classroom, for excursions and events, care and concern, and working bees and call out for help if it is of interest to you.
Our school and PFA respects the parent voice, and using communication channels to present feedback and ideas to the school around events. Should you have any feedback or suggestions for the PFA please contact either of the executive committee members via this email address and they will manage it as a meeting agenda item.
Rachael Simons - President
Amanda Lindsay - Vice President
Melanie Kelsall – Secretary
Upcoming Important Dates on the Parent Calendar
Term 1 2025
14th March: Yr 2 CM Assembly
17th March: School photos
19th March: Family Maths Night
21st March: Yr 4 MH Assembly
28th March: Yr 5 BC Assembly
31st March: Whole school athletics
1st April: Girls division football
4th April: End of term (early finish 2.30pm)
Term 2 2025
22nd April: Term 2 begins
25th April: ANZAC Day public holiday
5th-16th May: Yr 1 swimming lessons 12.30pm
19th-30th May: Yr 3 & 4 swimming lessons 12.30pm
28th May: Yr 6 confirmation 6.00-7.00pm
9th-20th June: Yr 5 & 6 swimming lessons 12.30pm
9th June: Kings Birthday public holiday
10th June: Reconciliation session (class 1 10.00-11.00am) (class 2 11.45-12.45pm)
4th July: End of term (early finish 2.30pm)
Term 3 2025
21st July: Term 3 begins
11th August: Student free day
18th-19th August: Yr 4 camp
20th August: Yr 4 rest day
27th August: First Eucharist Sacrament Information Night 6.00-7.00pm
31st August: First Eucharist (session 1 9.00-10.00am) (session 2 1.00-2.00pm)
1st-3rd September: Yr 6 camp
4th September: Yr 6 rest day
8th September: School Feast Day
8th-19th September: Prep swimming lessons 12.30pm
9th September: Division athletics (year level qualifiers)
10th-11th September: Yr 3 camp
12th September: Yr 3 rest day
15th-17th September: Yr 5 camp
18th September: Yr 5 rest day
19th September: 19th September Footy colours day, End of term (early finish 2.30pm)
Term 4 2025
6th October: Term 4 begins
3rd November: Student Free day
4th November: Melbourne Cup Public holiday
7th November: Mission Fete:
24th November: PFA AGM 7.00-8.30pm
5th December: Student free day
17th December: End of term (early finish 2.30pm)
Please note: Please refer to the Parent Calendar for all dates
Term 1
Thursday 30 January: Students return - Friday 4 April
Easter: Friday 18 April - Monday 21 April 2025
Term 2
Tuesday 22 April - Friday 4 July
Term 3
Monday 21 July - Friday 19 September
Term 4
Monday 6 October - Wednesday 17 December 2.30 pm 2025
Schoolzine App |
School app, used for sending reminders, notifications and for providing access to PAM, Parent Calendar, newsletters, School website. Additionally, you can find the newsletter and information, including the canteen menu. |
Staff email address | first initial and |
School newsletter |
Our main form of communication is the fortnightly newsletter, emailed on Tuesdays. Group emails from the school office will also be sent through the Schoolzine platform. |
School website | Access to policies/procedures, school information and parent calendar. |
Parent calendar | Link to calendar can be found on our website Home Page and school app. |
PAM Parent access module | A platform for lodging student absences and gaining access to student digital school reports. Past years' reports are also stored on this platform.
Please click the link here: . This will take you to the PAM login page. Your username is the email address you have provided to school. For new families please sign up now by clicking the link here: This will take you to the PAM login page. Click on the 'Forgot Password?' link and follow the prompts. You will be asked to enter your email address, then you will need to access the link sent to your email address. You can then create a password and this, along with your email address will be your login to PAM. * Use the School App for a quick access to PAM |
Permission notes |
Operoo is an electronic version of permission forms and information for excursions, camps and parent/student meetings. It also provides you the opportunity to update medical information promptly while providing the school with instant access to the emergency information provided by you.
* Use the School App for a quick access to Operoo
Seesaw |
Student digital learning journal and providing an additional means of reminders for the entire parent group.
Our Lady Star of the Sea Ocean Grove School Facebook Page: Sharing of learning experiences and events hosted by the school. OLSOS Parents Ocean Grove Vic Parent Chatter Facebook: A platform for parent reminders and queries. OLSOS Ocean Grove Recycled Uniforms Families may post here to purchasing, sell or give away of school uniforms.
Canteen Online Ordering |
The canteen service is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays operated offsite by Sue Bickerton.
To cancel an order:
Before cut-off time (8.30am): Login to your account and select ACTIVE/CANCEL ORDERS. Locate your order and select CANCEL on the right-hand side of the order (you may need to scroll across to see the cancel link).
Orders are processed through You can order up to 30 days in advance.
* Use the School App for a quick access to our canteen online ordering platform
Student Medical Forms |
Students who require ANY medication at school must have their medication stored at the office, accompanied by the relevant forms, as below. No medication will be dispensed without these being completed and up to date.
School Assembly |
School assemblies are held every Friday morning 9am in our school gym, known as Djila Tjarri. All welcome.